gmail account löschen iphone

    Select the account for which you want to disable new mail notifications.

    Directions are similar for recent versions of the Apple mobile operating system. Sign in to your Google Account, and get the most out of all the Google services you use. You’re never more than a tap away from your data and settings. This simple tool gives you personalized recommendations to help keep your account secure. That’s why we’ve built powerful protections and tools like the Security Checkup and password manager into every account. When it comes to privacy, we know one size doesn’t fit all. Your Google Account automatically protects your personal information and keeps it private and safe. To move an inbox or account, drag the three-bar icon (To open an account's inbox, go to the Mailboxes screen, select the account, and tap  That’s why every Google Account comes with easy-to-use controls and tools like Privacy Checkup so you can choose the privacy settings that are right for you. Protecting all the information in your Google Account has never been more important. Einen E Mail Account von einem iPhone löschen.

    Removing email accounts from the iPhone Mail app is a straightforward procedure, although you should consider alternatives to cut down on email noise before you decide to remove an account. Google services, from Chrome to YouTube, work better and help you do more when you're signed in. Gehe in die Einstellungen. iPhone Mail stops accessing the messages and folders, and you are no longer able to send email from the account using that app. From resuming YouTube videos across devices, to having your contacts, and favorite Play Store apps easily available, a single sign-in allows for a seamless experience across Google. Läs om vilket alternativ som är mest lämpligt för dig. This simple tool gives you personalized recommendations to help keep your account secure. Just tap your profile picture and follow the link to “Manage your Google Account”. You’re never more than a tap away from your data and settings. Your Google Account also makes it easy for you to sign in to third-party apps safely and quickly so your preferences go with you even beyond Google.

    Auf meinem iPhone nutze ich einen Googlemail-Account in der Mail-App. In diesem wikiHow zeigen wir dir, wie du auf einem iPhone mit Apple Mail oder einer der offiziellen Apps von Google, Gmail oder Inbox, auf einen Gmail-Account zugreifst. Your Google Account automatically protects your personal information and keeps it private and safe. Your account helps you do more by personalizing your Google experience and offering easy access to your most important information from anywhere. You’re never more than a tap away from your data and settings. Deleting an email account from an iPhone also removes calendars, notes, to-do items, and contacts that use this account. When you sign in to your Google Account, all the Google services you use work together to help you get more done. Your account gives you access to helpful features like Autofill, personalized recommendations, and much more — any time on any device. Your Google Account comes with a built-in password manager that securely saves your passwords in a central place only you can access. Your Google Account helps you save time by automatically filling in passwords, addresses, and payment details using the information you’ve saved to your account. For IMAP and Exchange accounts, nothing changes on the server or in any other email program set up to access the same account.

    You can also control what data is saved in your account with easy on/off controls, and even delete your data by date, product, and topic.

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    gmail account löschen iphone