The final number of participants and participating nations might change slightly towards the exercise. "Exercises such as Cold Response 2020 exhibit the capabilities and cooperation, the strength and steadfast commitment, as well as the determination and dedication of the U.S. and allied and partner nations have for maintaining the secure and stable Arctic. Joint allied training in northern Norway has over the years intensified. The exercise will take place primarily in the north, near Tromso. The exercise included roughly 15,000 troops from the U.S., Norway and eight other allied countries.
Through exercises such as Cold Response, the participants are training together in demanding weather conditions in a realistic way. This makes Cold Response an important exercise.Our ability to receive allied reinforcements is essential when it comes to defending Norway in a crisis situation. According to a story published on the UK Ministry of Defence website on February 25, 2020, UK participation in Cold Response 2020 is one of the largest UK engagements in this year’s exercise regime.. A Naval task group made up of four Royal Navy vessels; HMS Albion, HMS Sutherland, HMS Echo and RFA Lyme Bay have set sail this week to Norway in one of the largest UK deployments in 2020. As of January 2020, forces from the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden – as well as Norwegian forces – are participating in the exercise. More information on this will be available on this website closer to the exercise.Cold Response is lead by the Norwegian Joint Headquarters and has been conducted biennially since 2006. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. The winter exercise Cold Response will take place in an area that stretches from the town of Narvik to Finnmark district in northern Norway. To deter U.S. adversaries in the 21st century, those adversaries must know that any attack on the United States will result in a very bad day for them, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command said. Cold Response 2020 was thought to become the biggest ever of the bi-annual exercise. Combined British and Dutch elements of the Norwegian-led task group heading for demanding Arctic exercises have assembled in southern Norway. Instead, he explained, "they will have all the challenges they require for tactical interoperability and integration and so forth. Soldiers from Fort Jackson supported pandemic response efforts by hosting drive-thru COVID-19 testing just outside of the post's Palmetto Falls Water Park in Columbia, South Carolina. Cold Response kicked off in Norway on March 9 and was slated to run through March 18. Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper discussed the National Defense Strategy, challenges posed by COVID-19 and DOD initiatives on diversity and inclusion during a virtual address to the Aspen Security Conference. The Marines are in Norway for exercise Cold Response, but the exercise has been canceled because of the new coronavirus outbreak. In a rapidly changing world, the United States must strengthen relationships with existing partners and allies while also building new partnerships in order to defend its interests and values against new threats and new competitors. The National Defense Strategy provides a clear roadmap for the Department of Defense to meet the challenges posed by a re-emergence of long-term strategic competition with China and Russia. This website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other functions. "We have a critical ally, which is the Norwegian military and Norwegian people. However, without the Americans, this year’s drills will not be as extensive as planned. "He said the exercise will predominantly involve land and amphibious forces, but sea and air forces also will participate.While the exercise has been in the planning stages for months, the units at the lowest levels will not get a real sense of that planning, he said. For those reasons, that's why we are here in Norway," he said. Also the UK, Netherlands, Germay, France, Belgium, Denmark, Latvia, Finland and Sweden will take part. The main part of the exercise will be located in the district of Troms.Choose which products you want delivered to your inbox. Cold Response 2020 was thought to become the biggest ever of the bi-annual exercise. Two service members watch an explosion in Rena, Norway, in advance of Exercise Cold Response 2016, Feb. 22, 2016. | The field exercise will take place from 12 to 18 March. Flying and maintaining aircraft often requires airmen to work close together, so members of the 507th Operations Group found ways to adapt their procedures to ensure a safe environment for crews to perform their mission during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some U.S. forces stationed in Europe will head north March 2 to participate in Cold Response 2020, a biennial exercise hosted by Norway focusing mostly on operations at the tactical level in cold-weather environments.
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