In 2018 Elena was the 66 th most popular girls name, representing 0.2728% of girl births in the U.S..
Since 1910 Elena has been the 416 th most popular girls name, representing 0.0487% of girl births in the U.S.. I think it's very pretty. But the only difference is one was called "Pretty Elena" and the other was "Ugly Elena" behind their backs. Der Name Elena wurde in Deutschland von 2006 bis 2018 ungefähr 13.000 Mal als erster Vorname vergeben.
These attributes to me are the most inspiring and real for a namesake. Elena célèbres.
Would you like to follow Elena?Elena, a pan-European version of Helen, has roots in Spanish, Italian, Slavic, and Romanian, among others. It's not an English name.I'd like this if it could also be pronounced Ellen-aThis will be my daughter's name. Here’s everything we know. Ellie or Lena could both be used as nicknames.
That's how it looks to me. I still look for names that would one day catch my heart like this one for my future kid(s) but I always go back to this one.
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Helen, the name from which it derives, came from the Greek word helene, meaning “torch.”Alternate spellings include Elaina, Ellena, and Alena. Die Namensform Ellena wurde ungefähr 440 Mal vergeben (Platz 1.725) und Eléna 70 Mal (Platz 5.208). The vampire diaries and Bitten.A beautiful, timeless choice! This is not a bad thing, it's just how interaction between different languages works.My name is NOT pronounced ee-LAY-nay it's pronounced E-len-ahA couple years ago I got Netflix and started watching The Vampire Diaries, and I was always fascinated/still am, in trying to find the perfect name I would love to give my daughter, and once I heard Bonnie call out Elena to get her attention I completely fell in love with the name.
Songs that feature the name Elena in their lyrics include I Did You Wrong by MIMS, Maria Elena by Michael Buble, What’s it Gonna Be by Ratt, Elena by Bacilos, and Don’t Ever Dance with Maria by Brave Combo. Es gibt auch viele erwachsene Frauen, die Elena heißen. Elena (given name), including a list of people and characters with this name; Elena, a Cebuano play by Vicente Sotto; Extra Low ENergy Antiproton, a storage ring in the Antiproton Decelerator facility at CERN; Hurricane Elena; See also.
The Spanish and German vowels are sort of between the eh and ay sound.But please people try to pronounce and spell others names right; it is a matter of respect and it really annoys me when people just give up or try to convince me I pronounce my name wrong.Elena is a name I have loved a long time. That said, I love the name pronounced the way we do it.
I don't understand the a-lay-na pronunciation. Helen, the name from which it derives, came from the Greek word These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Elena. Herkunft . The only pronouncination I like is the way my family pronounces it and it is el-len-uh, and it annoys me when people call me ellen-a, which is the Italian way, I guessThis is my name and I love it, even though it is often mispronounced. But, would hate to have my daughter nicknamed Kathy (but hey, it'll be her choice) also, my sister-In-law is named Katherine but she goes by Katie and lets just say that name is off the table because I despise my SIL. If you’re not sure yet, see our wide selection of both boy names and girl names all over the world to find the ideal name for your new born baby.
I am so sad though that the episodes are almost over and it won't be on anymore, I have fallen in love with that whole cast, Who still remembers Katherine? Lovely name but I couldn't use it here in the UK as I prefer the 'El-eh-nuh' pronunciation and I'm sure people here wouldn't say it this way (it's not a very well-known name here at all).Just like I don't get the "a" sound at the beginning according to how you like it said.
Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. We have the Helena spelling as well (h is silent), though not as widespread.My husband's family is from Colombia, and they all say A-lay-nuh. We pronounce it like Helena, without the H. I don't get how folks get a hard "A" sound out of the second "e." I always see that hard "A" in Elaina. Hey my name is Elena too! The name Elena is a girl's name of Spanish, Italian, Greek origin meaning "bright, shining light".. Elena, a pan-European version of Helen, has roots in Spanish, Italian, Slavic, and Romanian, among others. Der Name Elena ist in Deutschland zur Zeit sehr beliebt. Zu einem nicht unwesentlichen Teil sind die aber nicht in Deutschland geboren, sondern aus anderen Ländern eingewandert. She lives despite so much loss, she is strong, independent, has incredible perseverance, empathetic and more than anything she is undeniably selfless. "el-len-uh", my grandma was Spanish, my grandfather Italian, her name was the spanish way, but my grandfather called her "ellenuh"When my mom married an Italian man I took on the Where are they getting the "ee" in the pronunciation? Auch ich hatte Lehrer die meinen Namen eeeeelennna ausgesprochen haben, ich finde der klingt auf diese Art so schrecklich. And I used to hate it because it was too unique.
Elena est un prénom féminin.
I can imagine this name on any age.
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