chlamydia pneumoniae depression

    spagnoli@uniroma2.itAcute myocardial infarction (AMI) associated with unfavorable prognosis is likely to be the consequence of a diffuse active chronic inflammatory process that destabilizes the whole coronary tree and myocardium, suggesting a possible common causal agent underlying both conditions. Postexertional fatigue and flu-like symptoms of infection differentiated the patients with severe CFS from those with less severe CFS (88.5% concordance) and were predictive (R2 = 0.46, P < 0.0002) of lower cardiac output. Patients were treated, as indicated by symptoms and/or lab testing, for: (1) subclinical thyroid, gonadal, and/or adrenal insufficiency, (2) disordered sleep, (3) suspected Neurally Mediated Hypotension (NMH), (4) opportunistic infections, and (5) suspected nutritional deficiencies.Results: At the final visit, 16 active patients were “much better,” 14 “better,” 2 “same,” 0 “worse,” and 1 “much worse” vs. 3, 9,11, 6, and 4 in the placebo group (p < .0001, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel trend test). Any treatment process requiring a combination of three to four antibiotics for a very long period of time is anathema to most conventionally trained MD's. Moreover, OMP-2 and CP-HSP60 were detected in the whole coronary tree. This was done by the by Dr.'s Cheney, Peterson & Bell with a sample of their patients. Especially "occult infections" i.e. Pneumoniae is caused by bacteria and it is an inflammatory condition of the lungs. * Elenkov IJ, Iezzoni DG, Daly A, Harris AG, Chrousos GP.Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C., USA.Cytokines mediate and control immune and inflammatory responses. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission.Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic.
    The ratio of this 37 kDa protein to the normal 80 kDa protein was high in 72% of patients with CFS but only in 1% of the healthy controls and in none of the depression and fibromyalgia control patients.Detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae in the bone marrow of two patients with unexplained chronic anaemia.Nebe CT, Rother M, Brechtel I, Costina V, Neumaier M, Zentgraf H, Bocker U, Meyer TF, Szczepek AJ.Central Laboratory, University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany. A syndrome tells you nothing Similarly, diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome doesn't tell you about possible causes until further investigation is done. You may not know you have chlamydia because many people never develop the signs or symptoms, such as genital pain and discharge from the vagina or penis.Chlamydia trachomatis affects both men and women and occurs in all age groups, though it's most prevalent among young women. Conversely, only 1 of 10 control patients exhibited a positive staining for CP. This improvement is true as well for a number of CFS/FMS patients who, while not testing positive for Cpn using standard tests that are not as sensitive as those used by Dr. Stratton's lab, have evidenced typical die-off reactions to the CAP antibiotics, suggesting Cpn infection. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a preliminary indication of reduced circulation in patients with severe CFS. Even when signs and symptoms occur, they're often mild, making them easy to overlook.Signs and symptoms of Chlamydia trachomatis infection can include:Chlamydia trachomatis can also infect the rectum, either with no signs or symptoms or with rectal pain, discharge or bleeding. Some people may become infected and have mild or no symptoms. Granulocytes, AM and alveolar epithelial cells acted as host cells for chlamydiae, which remained detectable for up to 8 weeks. It was difficult for the treating physicians to keep patients on the protocol long enough to begin to see significant symptomatic improvement. Similar to spoiled tomato soup hiding inside a dented can, Chlamydia can lurk inside ticks Chlamydia pneumonia is a bacteria that can be transmitted through an infected tick 1 or from an infected person through inhaling contaminated droplets.
    OMP-2 antigens were found in the unaffected myocardium of 9 of 10 AMI patients.

    2006 Aug;27(7):615-26.Affiliation: DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.“… in response to postural stress, 81% of patients with CFS, but none of controls, experienced ejection fraction decreases (suggesting left ventricular dysfunction in the heart) and those with more severe symptoms had greater decreases (Peckerman, Chemitiganti, et al., 2003).Patients with CFS might have lower cardiac output, and the resulting low flow circulatory state could make it difficult for patients to meet the demands of everyday activity, and it could also lead to fatigue and other symptoms (Peckerman, LaManca, et al., 2003)…”E. Most of the argument discounting Cpn's involvement in CFS/FMS has been based on ignorance and poor understanding about the organism itself and the difficulties of testing and treatment for it. Association Between Chlamydia pneumoniae and Migraine: A Study from a Tertiary Center in India. One should refrain from coming close to the infant if they are infected and avoid kissing on the lips of the infant.Chlamydia Trachomatis is also sometimes transmitted to the newborn due to exposure to infected genitals of the mother during normal vaginal birth.There is no vaccine to prevent the chlamydia pneumoniae infection. However, not everyone exposed to C. pneumoniae will develop pneumonia. When monocytes were activated by LPS (0.25 ng/ml) at the time that they were plated and then activated by melatonin (10(-12) M) 8 h later, no IL-1 secretion and no cytotoxicity were detected.

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    chlamydia pneumoniae depression