The section between the interchange Köln-Mülheim and Siegburg 30 km in length was handed over on December 17, 1937 after about three years of construction time traffic. It got 8906 visitors since then.
Baustelle A3, Arbeiten Richtung Linz / Frankfurt, zwischen Wiesbadener Kreuz und Mönchhof-Dreieck Baustelle A3, Arbeiten Richtung Arnheim / Köln, zwischen Kelsterbach und Raunheim Baustelle K152, Arbeiten Richtung Kelsterbach, zwischen Walldorf und Airportring
This creates a new connection point on the A 3.
At the triangle Dernbach, not far from Koblenz, the A48 branches off to Trier. The 25-kilometer section from Cologne-Mülheim to Mettmann was opened on May 21, 1936 to traffic.
East of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate in December 2012, the new junction "Neumarkt East" was opened to traffic.
The Frankfurt-Süd junction, which is located near the stadium, is the only direct link with Frankfurt. Also runs largely parallel to the 2002 completed ICE high-speed line Cologne -Rhine-Main. The motorway crosses the Nuremberg Reichswald, in which two motorway junctions lie, which connect the A 3 with the A 9 (Berlin-Munich) and the A 6 (Saarbrücken-Prague). From 2006 to 2008, the section between the junctions Aschaffenburg and Aschaffenburg-Ost was expanded to six lanes. In 1968 the construction of the motorway between Deggendorf and Passau began.
Afterwards, the existing bridge will be demolished and the 2nd construction phase started.
All sections not yet realized have been included in the investment framework plan for the years 2011 to 2015 of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development as priority measures.
In 1980, the A 3 of Rosenhof was extended by 9 km to Wörth on the Danube, with a further Danube crossing was created (Danube bridge Wörth).1992 was a general reorganization of the motorway network in Germany. The 214 km section from Frankfurt to Erlangen-Tennenlohe was built within nine years. Between Regensburg and Deggendorf was only built in the late 1970s to early 1980s.
In the middle of the Seligenstädter Triangle, which marks the end of the A 45 from Dortmund, the state border with Bavaria runs. Since then, the motorway from the Dutch border to the east of Regensburg (junction Rosenhof) was continuously passable. It is expected to have a construction time of about five and a half years. Autobahnkreuz für: A3, A67 • Meldungen im Umfeld von: 15km. The line was equipped with a total of 54 rest stops in the direction of Nuremberg and 64 in the direction of Frankfurt as well as four rest stops. The 20 km long section from the motorway intersection Deggendorf to Iggensbach was completed in 1975, followed in 1978 by the subsequent approximately 21 km long route to the junction Passau -Nord and in 1979 another 9 km to Passau-Süd together with the Danube bridge Schalding.
The construction of the section south of the Wiesbadener cross with the Main Bridge between Raunheim and Eddersheim was started in 1938, but had to be discontinued in early 1943.
The basis for this was a decree of the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Transport (so-called "large city regulation"), which states that in connection with cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, the city name must be prioritized.
Sie können sich jederzeit über den im Newsletter enthaltenen Link abmelden. As a result, the signage had to be revised, the number of goals on the signposts was reduced, which was partly accompanied by a considerable loss of information. DIE LAGE . After the war, in 1958 with the continuation of construction of the line Emmerich-Oberhausen ("Holland Line") started. Staumelder und Verkehrsinformationen für das Mönchhof-Dreieck.
Staus am Mönchhof-Dreieck.
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