Kit en plástico para montar y pintar. Prinz Eugen comes with 3 photoetch frets, labeled ETCH A and ETCH B (x2). Her North Atlantic sortie with the Bismarck and the sinking of the Hood in April 1941 earned her a place in history. On the lower hull, the positioning of the rudder appears to be too far aft from center screw.The deck comes in 3 pieces, with an additional single long piece for the 01 level deck.
The 01 deck has a somewhat heavily molded transfer rail system around the edges, and a challenging mold line on the B & C barbettes.Sprue A has superstructure levels and aircraft hangar details. Kit en plástico para montar y pintar. All the parts
These parts do have some flash, and the doors on the front are somewhat heavy in detail. The 3 sprue H's included each have 2 of the 105mm AA mounts molded on. DKM Prinz Eugen. A nice little kit in it's own right. Also missing from the lower hull are the sea chests/water intakes as found on some large German warship models.The kit measures out to a bit over 23" long at the waterline, which is a little over .5" too long (should be 22.44"). Definitely recommended!
I thought the funnel grate was a nice addition, as well as the railings. However, the rudder's shape is a touch off, and the pivot point is incorrect. Si continúas navegando, consideramos que aceptas su uso. This heavy cruiser kit appears in a 1945 fit, instead of a 1941 or 42 fit.
48930 Las Arenas.En utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para ofrecerte un mejor servicio y para obtener datos estadísticos. Incluye piezas en fotograbado. In addition, these turrets have additional ventilation at rear; these fans and ducts are at the center of the turret on the lower, but the presence of the rangefinder required this ventilation to moved to the outer edge of the rear on the superfiring turrets. Permite la opción de exponerlo con el casco completo o por la linea de flotación. The rudder post is centered in the rudder, not 1/3 back from the leading edge as it should be. The lower hull exhibits Trumpeters usual heavy mold marks, but appears to have the proper bulbous forefoot of the Hipper class. The levels feature a variety decking textures; from wooden planking and waffle pattern non-skid to steel tread plate. BIZKAIAPiezas en latón fotograbado para detallar la maqueta de la marca y modelo especificado.Piezas en latón fotograbado para detallar la maqueta de la marca y modelo especificado.© 2019 - Mistermodel C/ Gobela 15-B. Tel. Can be found in Galleries Specification Accessories Customer who bought this product also bought: Write Product Review. … Great deals on 1 350 Prinz Eugen. Prinz Eugen foundered while under tow, in late 1946, from damage sustained from the Operation Crossroads atomic tests "Able" and "Baker" The Hipper class of cruisers was Germany's "Treaty Cruiser", built with 203mm (8") guns. Getxo. On this kit, not all the muzzles formed completely, but the effect is there. Trumpeter has set a new standard for ships in 1/350 scale with the release of the German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen: Lots of detail without a huge parts count, no glaring errors in shape or size, and almost perfect fit throughout the kit. Present at the Battle of Denmark Straits and The Channel Dash, and one of only 2 German cruisers to survive the war.
There are also roofs to the armored citadels, with the myriad periscopes, some simplified radar antennas, prop shafts and skegs, and the aircraft catapult. The first piece, the bow piece, goes from the extreme bow to the breakwater- where the angled end of the foredeck meets firmly and seemlessly against the breakwater which forms the start of the middle deck piece. The Ship was commissioned in August 1940 And saw it's first action during the Battle of the Denmark Straits during Operation Rheinübung. The main turrets for Hipper class cruisers come in 2 varieties; the superfiring turrets have optical rangefinders built in, and thus are taller and have a prominent sloped roof that is not present on the lower turrets. Other fine details are the scuttles with brow, armor belt and degaussing coil. So many parts have surface irregularities from mold cutting and imperfect polishing, that it degrades great parts to merely good- and some even lower. However I wish Trumpeter would put a little more care into the finish on their molds. Prinz Eugen is a great looking kit, and I hope Trumpeter keeps up with this level of detail with future releases in the Hipper class, and the upcoming Deutschland class Admiral Graf Spee.
This product can be found in. There is some flash on the torpedo turrets, aka "Drillings", but they are also highly detailed- some of the best detail seen from Trumpeter yet.
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