avorion fighter range

    It can go up to 9-10km but still the drones won't go that far so it is unnecessary. I can dock from 6.1km away, it's just the fighters not taking advantage of the pick up range. Fighter Harvest Order Range. LordofTyron.

    I'd like to know more about that topic!It can go up to 9-10km but still the drones won't go that far so it is unnecessary.I think the range stat for mining upgrades is only used in the player HUD when piloting and mining manually, whereas the AI can see sector-wide hidden asteroids if it has the upgrade. For example, Launcher Turrets create Launcher Fighters, and Repair Turrets create Repair Fighters. Custom fighter fire rate is normally equal to the fire rate of the turret. And my mining carrier with its suite of 72 fighters makes peasant work a breeze.

    Carrier Commander increases the range to the entire sector (or at least large enough that I can't tell if the range is less than the entire sector).Same thing with salvaging. For each turret in Avorion, there is a corresponding fighter type. Sep 25, 2019 @ 11:00am The only thing you should see is a larger docking range and that Fighter can pick up raw ore and salvage Last edited by LordofTyron; Sep 26, 2019 @ 4:44am #3. r/avorion: Avorion is a space-sim sandbox game where you build your own ships and fight, trade, mine and explore your way to the center of the galaxy.

    I know stacking software works for stations and dock range, but I was hoping I could increase the leash distance for fighters.2.4km feels really claustrophobic for a larger ship is there a way to increase their range?Put a captain in the mining/salvaging carrier and give them the mine/salvage command. If the turret was overheating, then the fighter will not overheat, but fire rate is lowered accordingly instead. It is unknown whether the same applies to battery charge turrets (probably not, needs testing).

    You need to have boarders on board your vessel (not pilots!) for this to work. I looked at my transporter software and it was also 2.4k.This made me think their auto engage range was the same as my transporter software. So I managed to get to use fighters a bit, and while I enjoy using them, there are many issues that make them difficult to use, and a very poor choice. I upgraded to a longer range software and also stack multiple ones. Also fighters do not need Combat fighters will hit enemy ships much more often than a ship piloted by an AI captain that uses turrets. To the fighter the transport software is just an enabmerThe range of the laser on the fighter is 2.7km so that isn't quite right.You can give mining fighters an 'attack' command if you have a rock selected/highlighted, and they'll go after it.As far as I can tell, this has no range cap at all, and while it's frustrating to do rocks one at a time, it feels far less claustrophobic.Avorion is a space-sim sandbox game where you build your own ships and fight, trade, mine and explore your way to the center of the galaxy.Press J to jump to the feed. The player is able to design custom fighters at any Custom fighter damage calculation: 0.3 * turret damage / number of slots. Initial stats and the amount of durability you get per point spent depends on the material of turret from which you are creating the fighter. After testing I found that this was not true. I got an exceptional Transporter software. What kind of turrets are useful for fighters? In case of crew/cargo shuttles, it depends on the material the fighter design is made of.

    I can't seem to find anything online about this. Press J to jump to the feed. Do you have to give the carrier salvage lasers as well so it knows to move around?I've been wondering something similar.

    So they just fly around with their beams firing and not actually picking anything up for me.

    The only problem is their auto engage range.So if you just hire the carrier to have a captain and tell it to salvage, you're all good and it'll salvage the whole sector? r/avorion: Avorion is a space-sim sandbox game where you build your own ships and fight, trade, mine and explore your way to the center of the galaxy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A mining carrier with several squadrons of r-mining fighters, piloted by an AI captain, will generally mine more ore in the same amount of time than a mining ship that is using r-mining lasers, as fighters will be able to reach new asteroids much faster. They will order their mining/salvaging fighters to engage appropriate targets at range and do the grinding work for you.Mining/salvaging by hand is peasant work, unfit for the warrior class.I'm already doing that with 3 other ships in 3 other sectors, my mining empire can only have so many active sectors per alliance.

    Personally, I've found that long range weapons feel wonky to hit with, so I'm wondering in general how many types of fighters work well? For each turret in Avorion, there is a corresponding fighter type. There are also two special types: Crew Shuttles are used for boarding stations. Added an Avorion transporter block and nothing happens #2. You might be watching videos from that time.Glad you asked, I'd have if you didn't! I have two exotic transporter softwares, one for 3.0km and another for 3.1, but it seems like my fighters only mine asteroids up to about 3km. They can be purchased at Equipment Docks and Fighter Factories, or manufactured by the player. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Same goes for the mining upgrade that shows the nearby ore asteroids. Fighters are small, maneuverable but relatively slow craft which provide a variety of roles to your fleet in Avorion. I've had to resort to building an AI salvage carrier to follow one sector behind me to clean up after my battles.You need to increase the range in the laser. Fighter blueprints can be created by drag-and-drop in the Fighters can be produced on any ship (or station) with both a If you have a factory, consider producing your fighters there and then transferring them to your ship. When building it, you can increase these stats for points, but doing so will make the fighter more expensive. It is much cheaper for a ship to achieve the same damage potential by building fighters using assembly blocks and resources, compared to building turrets in turret factories. These are by no means 100% accurate, but they should get you pretty close.

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    avorion fighter range