atr 72 cockpit

    The engine is able to produce a maximum thrust of 2,509 kW (3,365 shp) and mechanical power of 2,050 kW (2,750 shp) for each engine. It can carry up to an additional 500kg on MTOW (maximum take-off weight) and MZFW (maximum zero fuel weight).The ATR 72-600 is powered by two Pratt and Whitney Canada PWC127M engines. The Magnaghi hydraulic system strengthens the revocation of the landing gear and also serves other systems on the aircraft.ATR 72-600 can carry up to 72 passengers at a sector distance of 300nm (550km). Goodyear tires are optionally installed for operation on unpaved runways. Skywest Airlines ordered five ATR 72-600 aircraft in December 2011 with deliveries in 2014.

    The range and ceiling of aircraft services are 1,500 km and 7,620 m, respectively.

    This time, we are treated to a shot of the ATR in-sim (Prepar3D, v4 in this case) and with PBR applied, if the hashtags under the post are anything to go by. The quick replacement kit provides the ability to reconfigure the cabin in 45 minutes to carry ATR special containers using standard front cargo doors.The standard front cargo door measuring 1.52 m × 1.27 m can be optionally replaced with a large cargo door measuring 2.95 m × 1.8 m, allowing the aircraft to carry standard load unit (ULD) container devices such as LD3 and 88 in. Air Algeria awarded a $ 82 million contract to ATR in December 2009 to supply four ATR 72-500 aircraft.

    Gulfstream G700 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price  – Gulfstream G700 is the latest long-sized twin-engine business jet manufactured by Gul...Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Jet, Specs, Seat Map, Range, and Price – The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the most modern aircraft in the world, revolu...Pilatus PC-24 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price – Pilatus PC-24 is a twin-engine business jet developed by Pilatus Aircraft, a Swiss-base...Gulfstream G650 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price – Gulfstream G650 comes with ultra high speed, long distance features and is the most e...Epic E1000 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price   – T he Epic E1000 is a single-engine turboprop aircraft with a capacity of six passengers d...ATR 72-600 is the latest model that is currently being produced. ATR 72 can carry up to 13 ATR containers.The price of the latest ATR 72-500 aircraft is around US $ 14.4 Million.

    Deliveries began in October 2012 and completed in 2016. Tags: Medium Turbo-prop; ATR; 72-600; Capacity. ATR 72-600 received European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification in May 2011. This suite includes five LCD screens, a new flight management system, new communications, a new navigation system with a global navigation satellite system / wide area augmentation system (GNSS / WAAS) and a new automatic pilot for the CAT III approach.The ATR navigation system is based on the Honeywell Trimble HT1000 (GNSS) global navigation satellite sensor.

    The ATR 72-600 has a maximum range (not including headwinds, high altitude, hot temperatures, or higher capacity) of 2,065 miles and a maximum speed of 309 mph.

    The contract to purchase four ATR 72-500 was signed in 2007. In the propeller, windshield, and horns are equipped with an electric anti-icing system.The maximum cruise speed of the ATR 72-600 aircraft is 518 km / hour. In the propeller, windshield, and horns are equipped with an electric anti-icing system.The maximum cruise speed of the ATR 72-600 aircraft is 518 km / hour. This aircraft weighs around 12,950 kg and the maximum take-off weight is 22,500 kg.ATR 72-600 can carry up to 72 passengers in a configuration of four aisles behind. The … Composite materials include monolithic carbon structures, carbon / Nomex sandwiches and Kevlar / Nomex sandwiches, which are used for the main structure including horizontal tailplane and steering and outer wing box parts, as well as for secondary structures, including ailerons, engine covers and covers.The ATR 72-600 landing gear is a hydraulic retractable tricycle type, with Messier landing wheels, Dunlop wheels and brakes, Hydro-Aire Crane anti-skid control and Michelin tires.

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